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Skiing Kopaonik

Kopaonik is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Serbia. It is the largest mountain of Serbia, and it provides its tourists with excellent opportunities during the summer and especially during the winter. It is located only a few hours’ drive from Niš, the largest city in southern Serbia. The winter in the mountains is extremely long and a variety of activities are organized, including student gatherings, music concerts and various seminars and conferences on different topics. Throughout the entire winter, Kopaonik is almost always crammed with people. Accommodation is plentiful and varied, but due to the large number of visits we recommend you book it in advance. You can rent the pleasant, well-planned houses that are very comfortable and spacious.

The mountain has a great infrastructure for winter sports. The abundance of snow makes this place ideal for competitions in all kinds of winter sports. The most important state championships in freestyle skiing and snowboarding attract a large number of competitors, as well as observers interested in this exciting discipline. Also, the mountain has a lot of schools and courses for amateurs in winter sports. Those with less experience will be able to learn everything that interests them and experience the joys of winter on Kopaonik. There are many different ski tracks, so that everyone will find something that suits them and a little more experienced and ambitious skiers will be able to ski at night. Prices are affordable and you get a true value for money.